Classicamiga Forum Retro Edition
Thread: Lunar Eclipse
AlexJ 19:11 3rd March 2007
People living in Europe should keep an eye out for the Lunar Eclipse that's occurring tonight between approx quarter-to-eleven and midnight.

The moon will be totally hidden from the sun behind the earth resulting in it not reflecting the direct light of the sun, but instead only light that travelled through the earth's atmosphere resulting in it turning a red shade.

Full story at BBC:
Harrison 11:57 5th March 2007
I heard this was going to happen, but then completely missed it!
Demon Cleaner 14:34 5th March 2007
We couldn't see it from here anyway, I think best place to be was in Italy.
Teho 14:49 5th March 2007
I had a quick look outside when it was going on, and the sky was completely overcast here. So no luck.
Stephen Coates 15:51 5th March 2007
I saw it very well from here, but almost fell out of the upstairs window in the process.
TiredOfLife 18:04 5th March 2007
Forgot to watch.
Been in the pub watching the match in the afternoon.
Drinking wine with the missus in the evening.
Probably didn't help my powers of recall.
Submeg 01:24 6th March 2007
Lol...."there was a death this afternoon, when a man fell out the window trying to view the lunar eclipse..."