Classicamiga Forum Retro Edition
Thread: OnEscapee - problem when trying to save game
Viotto 23:36 14th September 2010
Hello, this is my first post on this forum

Has anybody played OnEscapee? Seems a very good game to me...also because I am a big Another World and Flashback fan

I tried to play the free version released for Windows, but whenever I try to access the saving / loading menu, the game crashes.

So I downloaded WinUAE, Kickstart 3.1, Workbench 3.1, and the Amiga version of the game. I set everything up, and now I am able to play the Amiga version without crashing when accessing the save / load screen.

But there is another problem: the save option and the load option are disabled!

Why are them disabled?

I would be very grateful if anybody can help me.

Harrison 23:53 14th September 2010
Can you give any more information on how you have the game setup?

From memory the game comes on CD, or ISO if downloaded, and needs to be installed to Amiga HDD to play. If you have a hardfile/HDD setup in WinUAE with Workbench installed and onEscapee installed then the game should load and save games to the HDD.

You can try adding a line to the Workbench user-startup file to see if that helps.

From Workbench, open a new shell/cli and type

ed s:user-startup
Once loaded, add the following line to the file and then save it.

Assign >NIL: onEscapee: DH0:Games/OnEscapee
Replace the DH0:Games/ part with the location where you have the game installed.

Then reboot the Amiga and play the game.

Hope that helps.
Harrison 15:06 15th September 2010
Forgot to mention. If that doesn't help, then we have a version of OnEscapee available for download from our main site here. Unless you are using that version already. We also have all of the manuals for download which might help you further.
Viotto 23:13 17th September 2010
Thank you for your reply, I downloaded the game from here already by the way

So my setup is:
- I load Workbench 3.1 in floppy drive DF0
- Onescapee.hdf loaded as hardfile in device name HD0 (read/write is checked)

The "onescapee" file I must open to run the game is in HD0 drive (named OnEscapee):

I enter this line in the file and save, but nothing happens when rebooting Workbench:

And the saving option in the game is still disabled. Any help?

Thank you
Harrison 08:26 18th September 2010
I will gave the game a try on Monday for you and see what I can get it to do.
Viotto 10:28 18th September 2010
Originally Posted by Harrison:
I will gave the game a try on Monday for you and see what I can get it to do.

By the way could it be that it has got no space on disk to save on? I don't think so by the way since you can see from the screenshot that the game drive has got free space on it... I also left checked "read/write" checkbox so it should have write permissions on its own disk