Classicamiga Forum Retro Edition
Thread: Dreaming about an Amiga 600 casemod
wilsonsamm 07:23 30th August 2010
I barely use my A600 any more, but I didn't want to sell it give it away because it's such a lovely computer! It's so cute and small, and it has a decent keyboard (important for me). Then I thought, why not fit the A600 case with some modern innards?

I had several ideas, including taking an old thin-client or something like that, but then I heard about the BeagleBoard. It's a single board computer that's about the size of a floppy disk and has an ARM processor running at 750MHz. Onboard is 512 megs of RAM. It consumes so little power that it can run off the current a USB will provide!

I was dreaming about putting one of these inside, maybe two, and maybe an FPGA board or something, but...

This is my first problem to overcome: is there something that will accept the plug for the amiga keyboard and provide a USB connection to it?

Secondly, would this be seen as ruining an otherwise fine Amiga computer that still works?