Classicamiga Forum Retro Edition
Thread: Ninite
Demon Cleaner 13:38 14th August 2010
Everybody knows that doing a fresh install of your computer can be very tedious, after Windows or whatever OS is installed, you have to install all your other software again, which is often more than 20 programs, many of them being basic stuff you use every day, meaning Firefox, VLC, IrfanView, Avast, Java... is a site that takes that task away from you, by only going to their site and showing you all the basic software there is on one page. You simply tick the boxes of the programs you want to install, and then it does the job for you, simple and easy.
Harrison 17:49 15th August 2010
Now that is cool, and is something that will be very handy in the future.

Thanks for the info.
Teho 11:31 16th August 2010
Argh! I finally got and installed Win7 only last week! Couldn't you have posted about that a couple of days earlier!?
Demon Cleaner 14:27 16th August 2010
Sorry Teho, next time I'll try to be faster
Stephen Coates 02:02 27th August 2010
Looks interesting. I will remember that for the future. Though I do now have just about everything I want installed on my Windows XP ().

I tend to use Linux most of the time now though and getting software installed (if it isn't already ) is just a case of using the package manager.
Harrison 12:31 27th August 2010
Careful Steve... you are in danger of catching up with modern computing at this rate! XP is only 9 years old after all. Although remember to update it to Service Pack 3 as it fixes a lot of stuff and reconfigures the OS a great deal compared to the original XP release, making it actually quite a stable and robust OS.
Harrison 15:04 11th February 2023
Did you know this was still supported and up to date? Not looked in a long time. Useful to know.