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Poll: Shall I buy a PSP?
Shall I buy a PSP?
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    Thread: Shall I buy a PSP?
    Harrison 11:15 1st March 2007
    Yep, as shown in my signature

    Plus loads of others. Also the ability to play all PSX games perfectly is a huge bonus. All those lovely PSX RPGs in your hand, along with all the NES, SNES, Genesis etc RPGs and other games.

    Oh and don't forget there is a PSP version of PES too!
    Demon Cleaner 11:23 1st March 2007
    There are several online shops where you can buy a PSP plus upgrade to the latest fw version for 25€ more, so I wouldn't have to buy the original.
    Harrison 12:31 1st March 2007
    That's not a bad additional price to pay for the custom firmware to be pre-installed.

    Although having the game disc does give the option of downgrading back to 1.5 if you ever needed and the game might be found much cheaper than the 25 you would pay for the predone upgrade.
    Demon Cleaner 15:17 1st March 2007
    Originally Posted by :
    and the game might be found much cheaper than the 25 you would pay for the predone upgrade.
    Ok, you're right, but as you said that there are 2 versions of the game, and only one works fine, how am I supposed to get the right one? And you don't need the game for every PSP to downgrade if I'm right, most PSP are downgradable without it.

    Some other cool mods.

    Harrison 15:38 1st March 2007
    Wow, I like some of those. Are they transfer mods? or are they custom painted onto the PSP?

    Yes, it is true that you would need to find the correct version of the game. If you were purchasing secondhand then you should be able to ask the store to inspect the actual disc prior to purchase, and then you could check the serial number on the disc to make sure it doesn't have the #2 on the end. Or you could buy via ebay, although sellers have got wise to the disc being sort after so have increased their prices to £20+

    As for downgrading without this method, you would need to find a PSP with firmware of 2.80 or older. Anything newer will require the GTA exploit.
    Demon Cleaner 15:48 1st March 2007
    Originally Posted by :
    Are they transfer mods? or are they custom painted onto the PSP?
    Transfer mods, found at eBay. Oz just found some cool faceplates, a ferrari red and a sunny yellow one. They even come with the colored buttons, very nice. But they cost 50$. But you know that I want a yellow one, and these faceplates seem to be good quality.

    Take a look for yourself -->
    Harrison 15:53 1st March 2007
    Those do look really good quality. And the yellow one does actually look pretty good. A yellow Ferrari one would be even better.

    Could be a pain to install though as I assume they replace the standard PSP case completely which involves dismantling the PSP, and I've heard the PSP buttons are a bitch to get back together properly, especially the square button as it is so close to the screen.
    J T 17:14 1st March 2007
    Those coloured face plates are pretty neat, but the transfers really don't look very good in my eyes. Too complicated and over fussy, spoiling the reasonably nice clean smooth lines of the PSP. Plus I bet they look a bit pants if not applied absolutely perfectly.

    Stick to the subtle mods

    Also, this PSP modding malarky sounds rather complicated and involved - is it actually that hard (in reality)?
    v85rawdeal 19:04 1st March 2007
    Originally Posted by Harrison:
    I basically meant, make sure you buy a copy of GTA: Liberty City Stories, or can get hold of a copy as it is the only way to upgrade to the latest custom firmware. And the version of the game you will need is the original unpatched version. There are two. The original contained a 2.0 firmware upgrade, whereas the newer patched version contains a 2.6 firmware upgrade. The box and packaging look identical on both versions, but you can identify the older unpatched version by looking at the disc. If the code on the disc says 00151 then it is the version you need, but if it says 00151#2 then this is the patched version and cannot be used to upgrade to the custom firmware.
    Thanks for that information, Harrison, that has just made things a lot easier for me. Just checked my copy of LCS (which I had pre-ordered) and as I thought, I have the unpatched version.... Of course, this makes me wonder what the patched version has different.

    I recommend the PSP because it is SO many consoles all rolled into one, although still struggling to get N64 emulation working properly. But, again, thanks for the info. Will put that to great use.
    rayzorblue 19:51 1st March 2007
    Hmm i would think about it i mean if u have a PS2 you probably wont play the PSP much unless you do a lot of gaming on the move, my friend got one and he never plays it he says the games are the same as PS2 so their is no point unless he travels but then he drives, i told him to get a DS because you get a different gaming experience than you do with a static console.
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