Classicamiga Forum Retro Edition
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Thread: Google Street View fun.
Buleste 11:40 23rd April 2010
Originally Posted by Shoonay:
Originally Posted by Teho:
[...] You know how people in desolate places tend to be a little weird? [...]
Ja, I know what you mean buddy...

WTF!!!!! I couldn't understand a word of what he "singing" but I take it it was an ode to taking a walk in the autumn leaves and how city life sucks. Either that or don't walk in the woods in Poland else strange men with bowl haircuts, 70's t-shirt and shorts and sandles with socks will probably do things to you with his naughty bits.
Shoonay 12:00 23rd April 2010
Originally Posted by Buleste:
[..] I take it it was an ode to taking a walk in the autumn leaves and how city life sucks.
Wow, you've got my respect, really, because that's basically what he's singing about!

He's one of those strange people The Internet (tm) spawned, famous for his naturism photos on his personal site and such strange "musical" movies on yt... kinda creepy when you think about his age, but I guess we Poles do like our nature and forests and meadows and grass and such
(this is actually where the name "Polska" came from and has nothing to do with "a pole" of any kind )
Demon Cleaner 13:00 23rd April 2010
At least Poland has Vader and Behemoth
Shoonay 13:12 23rd April 2010
Yeah, and Doda, and Ewa Sonnet!

I'm currently enjoying KONTRUST, especially "Bomba" and "Vodka, Tribe and Dynamite".
Gotta love them for the sense of humor in the 1st vid that totally doesn't have ANYTHING to do with the music nor the lyrics!
Sure, they're basically Guano Apes clones, but the main female vocalist is Polish and she smuggled some cool Polish folklore accents into the 2nd song.
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