Classicamiga Forum Retro Edition
Thread: Feburary 2007
Harrison 12:26 23rd February 2007
The Feburary 2007 Poster of the Month competition is under way.

We don't have long left of February so everyone needs to get their nominations and votes in quickly. And don't forget to vote on all of the nominated posts so we can announce the winner quickly at the end of the month.

When submitting a post for POTM make sure the correct Poster of the Month Category is selected when you submit your post. This month's will be "POTM Feb 2007". Also please add a little comment with your submission to explain why you think the post should be nominated.

Make sure you also read the pinned thread outlining the complete POTM rules and how to nominate a post if you haven't taken part before.

As always, if a clear winner is made through voting then that member will automatically be awarded, otherwise a deciding poll will be held to decide the final winner.

Good luck to everyone, lets hope we find a great post for this month's award.
Harrison 16:48 8th March 2007
Make sure you have all voted on the nominated posts from February. I will be announcing the winner tomorrow, or starting a poll if you get another tie.
Puni/Void 22:13 8th March 2007
Damn, I don't think I've voted yet. Will do so now.
Harrison 15:22 13th March 2007
Well, we only had a few nominated posts in February, but we did have one clear winner. Congratulations to Rayzorblue for winning the Poster of the Month for February.

Don't forget to start nominations and voting for March posts.