Classicamiga Forum Retro Edition
Thread: Hypocrasy?
Buleste 19:30 7th April 2010
O.k. I know we're not supposed to talk politics on here but I just wanted to tell you all about something that happened to me today. To all of you who don't live in the U.K. the politicians have decided to call a general election so it's ass kissing time. Well today I had a phone call from the Labour party asking if I'll vote for them, if I've ever voted for them, what my concerns are on a local and national level etc.. Now ordinarily I have no problem with this as it gives me a small opportunity to get heard. However, as we're all aware there is still a global recession going on and jobs are being lost to over seas markets no matter where you live and the Labour Party are supposed to be the party of the worker, it really annoys me that they were using an Indian call centre. To go asking for my vote when they can't even be bothered to employ people from their own country is just a joke. I would be annoyed about this no matter what the party and if the country was in a better financial position but now when so many people in our own country are out of work and they're telling us how they're going to fix our economy!!! If I was going to vote for Labour then I'm not now. And if the other two main parties do the same thing then I'll have to find someone else to vote for.