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Poll: Should we throw Cheryl Cole out of an aeroplane?
Should we throw Cheryl Cole out of an aeroplane?
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    Thread: Cheryl Cole
    Graham Humphrey 21:33 4th April 2010
    You really should have made this a public vote
    juvuk 07:55 7th April 2010
    yes, she should be pushed from a plane, but only after we've joined the mile high club
    J T 13:50 7th April 2010
    Originally Posted by Stephen Coates:
    Anyone else fancy Cheryl Cole ?
    She's pretty hot, but maybe not all ZOMGWTFBBQ like the press make out. And that tattoo is trampy.

    Still would, though.
    Buleste 14:12 7th April 2010
    We all would if she offered, and was then gagged because I can't stand her voice but I'd still have to push her out of a plane. As for the skin job being trampy, thats not always a bad thing but she's only had it done because she's a sheep and wanted to be just like posh (who I would push out of an aeroplane at a great height onto a cactus field that is covering a pit a spikes followed by a piano because the piano would still sound better after the impact than she ever has.
    Harrison 16:02 7th April 2010
    If we had to choose between the 2 then Posh would be under the wheels of the plane before take off, as I wouldn't even spend the fuel on getting her into the air to push out. As you say, Cheryl is just a sheep following the trend and caught up in the marketing machine. Still, she has a bloody annoying voice!
    J T 16:04 7th April 2010
    Originally Posted by Harrison:
    If we had to choose between the 2 then Posh would be under the wheels of the plane before take off, as I wouldn't even spend the fuel on getting her into the air to push out.
    Wouldn't cost much, she's dead skinny, more like a bag of bones.
    Stephen Coates 20:23 8th May 2010
    Apparently Cheryl Cole is the worlds sexiest woman.

    Buleste 20:31 8th May 2010
    It is worlds sexiest woman as voted for by FHM magazine so it ignores the fact that outside Britain no-one has ever heard of her or if they had they cannot understand her. Plus I'm fairly sure that there are no "readers" of FHM just picture oglers and there was probably a picture of Cheryl Cole (is it me or does it sound like she should be a scouser rather than a geordie) so the Neanderthals just entered her into the competition.
    [Reply] 22:19 8th May 2010
    Originally Posted by Stephen Coates:
    Anyone else fancy Cheryl Cole ?

    I think we should throw her out of an aeroplane, but only after I've f**ked her
    Merlin 20:39 9th May 2010
    You guys need to read up on Cheryl Kerl's Twitter page - comedy gold!!

    You might need subtitles though.....
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