Classicamiga Forum Retro Edition
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Thread: Earth Hour 2010
Buleste 13:59 30th March 2010
I do believe they may have come from The Ether.
1980-20.. 14:49 30th March 2010
Originally Posted by Harrison:
Where did you get these quotes from?
From the bbc website of course heres the link http://thisisatruenewsstory/

Just click the link if it doesent work first time just keep trying.

Originally Posted by Buleste:
I do believe they may have come from The Ether.
Errrr no what are you insinewinating?.
Harrison 14:55 30th March 2010
That link doesn't work!
Buleste 15:01 30th March 2010
Originally Posted by Harrison:
That link doesn't work!
Where's the ginormous faceslap smiley????
J T 16:12 30th March 2010
The one-hour lights off is just as much, if not more, about spreading awareness rather than actual energy saving for that 60 minutes; and by starting a thread about it you have propagated that, so well done Clarkson.
Harrison 16:35 30th March 2010
You can have widespread awareness online, but that means nothing if the governments of the world cannot even agree to the correct reduction in CO2 targets, or for that matter any way of stopping logging and the destruction of unique habitats.

How many South American loggers even have access to a computer for example? Or even care? As long as they get paid well for the mahogany they keep cutting down, to make the patio furniture we see reduced in B&Q nothing is ever going to get better.

And anyway, focusing on CO2 emissions is pointless. We already know that a volcanic eruption pumps up much more CO2 than anything else can produce, along with other nature CP2 producers. They are focusing too much on one thing and not on the prevention of things, rather than how to fix it after it is too late.
J T 17:24 30th March 2010
Granted, the governments aren't exactly helping the situation whilst the are still thinking of their own vested interests (power, money, coporate backing blah blah) and not setting and sticking to a clear agenda. But is that a reason not to continue to try and raise awareness? Would ignoring it and carrying on as usual rather than addressing wastefulness be better? Call me an idealist, but maybe the politicians would respond to increased pressure from the electorate if it was kept up and done in an educated, articulate fashion*

I agree that concentrating solely on CO2 isn't the best way, but it's a start and is better than nothing surely. I do hope that focusing on CO2 doesn't obfuscate other issues that need addressing too.

Originally Posted by :
How many South American loggers even have access to a computer for example? Or even care? As long as they get paid well for the mahogany they keep cutting down, to make the patio furniture we see reduced in B&Q nothing is ever going to get better.
These are again issues that have wide causes (inequality of wealth, greed blahdey blah blah) but if everyone has the attitude 'I'm not doing X until person Y does Z' nothing will ever start.

*OK, actually the civilised world as we know it is probably screwed, then. Human nature is going to see it end up that way.
1980-20.. 17:38 30th March 2010
Originally Posted by Harrison:
That link doesn't work!
Ha ha i bet you were clicking it for ages, hmmm wished id been there to see it.

I am the king of comedy!.
Buleste 20:51 30th March 2010
My problem is stunts like this don't raise awareness as no-one knew about except those who were already involved in the green movement. And when you do find out about it people think what a stupid idea and so it leads to greater apathy. You may as well have a no farting hour to reduce the amount of greenhouse gasses being emited.
Harrison 14:08 31st March 2010
Exactly. Where was the media coverage for it? I watch the news every day and read at least one national news paper a week, and yet I didn't see this event covered once. This thread is the only coverage I've read about it. So in that respect it failed completely as it didn't raise any form of awareness at all.

The only thing that forces any type of change is when something is going to personally impact people. To threaten their way of life. Only then will they suddenly take notice and want to do something to change it. But by then it is normally way too late.

If you suddenly told everyone in Europe that they would not have any electricity for 1 day each week they would suddenly be asking questions and wanting answers. Green issues and those trying to promote them are never going to get anywhere as they are too nice about it all.

Human nature is to destroy and consume. To not care about the environment around them as long as they are currently comfortable and personally OK. Most economies around the world are fuelled by greed, and while that is the case we will never be able to save the world from destruction at our hands.

While it is true that some nations, especially in Europe have improved greatly with environmental issues and the way we do things, it isn't going to make any difference whilst there are other large nations currently trying to gain a foothold in the world economy, using technologies and techniques over 100 years old. China and India are currently polluting the world in much larger volume that the west ever did. Whilst the USA is strip mining the countryside, destroying forests just to get to the fossil fuels below to keep the ever fatter population's TVs and transportation running.
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