Classicamiga Forum Retro Edition
Thread: WinUAE 2.0.0 Beta 24/25 (RC2/RC3)
Demon Cleaner 12:33 8th December 2009
Beta 24/25 (RC2/RC3):

Originally Posted by :
Beta 25: (RC3)

- directory filesystem parameter (label, bootpri, rw) changes were ignored unless device name was also changed (b22)
- BPLCON0 change was partially ignored if hpos was >= e0 (b17)
- disable JIT when cycle exact is ticked in GUI
- added Quickstart Arcadia ROM selection (lists all roms)
- random jumping single black scanline bug finally fixed (variable that was not reset properly caused BPL DMA emulation to think this line had DMA disabled) I finally managed to duplicate this bug 100% using Arcadia Leaderboard..
- translation dll support re-enabled

Beta 24: (RC2. Final soon if no showstoppers.)

- non 8 divisible width and avi video recording crash fix
- DMA debugger sprite register addresses fixed
- D3D 32-bit scanlines fixed
- frozen blitter didnīt unfreeze when old channel mode was restored (FreeNEasy / Arctic Force does bclr.b #1,$dff042 while blitter is active.. Most likely simple accidental mistake in demo)
- CE CPU emulation CMP cycle order change
- undocumented sprite DMA update, write to sprite pointer is ignored between sprite DMA accesses (IcewindDale BBS intro / Possessed)
