Classicamiga Forum Retro Edition
Thread: Jenson Button - F1 World Champion 2009
Harrison 13:51 22nd October 2009
Did any of you watch the great Formula One race in Brazil last weekend?

Jenson Button drove a brilliant race, fighting his way through the field, going from 14th on the grid after a really horrible rain drenched qualifying to finish in 5th place and claim the 2009 World Championship for both himself and the constructors championship for Brawn GP.

For me it was one of, of not the best race of 2009, and Button drove brilliantly to clench the World Championship.

And when they interviewed Ross Brawn you could see how much this meant to him and his team. I'm so proud of what they have been able to achieve this year.

Congratulationsto both Brawn GP as the new constructors champions, and to Jenson Button as the new Formula One world champion.

I did feel a little sorry for Mark Webber and Lewis Hamilton. No one really paid much attention to Mark's great drive to win the actual race, because all eyes were on Jenson.

And Rubens bad luck continued with first the bad traffic he filtered back into after his pit stop, and then the puncture dropping him back to finish 8th. It was his home grand prix and I don't think it is very lucky for him. He looked in such a good position before the race too. He did seem genuinely happy for Button though, and regardless of what the press reported over the year they do look like good friends when you see them talking and together. And without Rubens Brawn wouldn't have the constructors championship so he deserved to be proud.
Tiago 22:12 22nd October 2009
I did not see the race, but looks like it was a good one.
As a Ferrari fan, i would like a different winner... but... i think they are were the best this sesson.
About 2010, Ferrari will have a new driver... the spannish bas...... that $#""#% !!
i don't know, but in 2010 i will look for Massa and hope that Alonso break a leg...
I hate that guy,
Harrison 23:34 22nd October 2009
Don't hold back on your feelings towards Alonso now with you!

I know where you are coming from though. I've never really liked the guy, and I can't believe he knew nothing about, and didn't play any part in the race fixing with Renault last year.

It will definitely be a big clash of personalities in Ferrari next year between the two drivers. One is looking to secure his first ever championship, and is a long standing and much loved member of Ferrari for some time, whereas the other is only really out for himself, looking to win a third championship and believing Ferrari is the one team with the resources to truly deliver this. It could get messy.
Buleste 08:30 23rd October 2009
As a Ferrari hater I have to enjoy the fact they are 4th in the constructors championship. It took Fillipe Massa's accident for Kimi to get better and even then it was only for a couple of races.

As for the dirty cheating Alonso. He will fail at Ferrari because he proved in his one season with McClaren he cannot do anything unless he is treated like the second coming and the only team that would ever do that are Renault so Massa will have a miracle season (as long as the car isn't a dog again).
Harrison 09:08 23rd October 2009
Kimi has talent though, or he wouldn't have won the world championship 2 years ago, and I quite like him as a driver. Also it is worth noting that this year's Ferrari must be quite hard to drive because both replacements for Massa have found it impossible and yet Kimi is still a long way ahead of them on both the grid and in race pace. Fisichella especially showed he can drive well given a good car, when the Force India was suddenly getting better, but hasn't been able to get to grips with the Ferrari at all. I bet he really regrets that move.

And it is true that Alonso needs the team to be completely working around him, with all attention on him. It was only ever Flavio Briatore working with him that got him results, and there was always some questions over cheating, rule breaking, secrets etc with him.

And with Ron Dennis also gone it will be interesting to see how McLaren do next year, and especially how Hamilton gets on without his puppet master. Well OK, the real puppet master is his Dad who stands behind him controlling his every move, and for that I feel sorry for the guy. It doesn't look like he is allowed to do anything on his own.

This year's F1 scandals have also had some brilliant outcomes in my view too. I've always loathed both Flavio Briatore and Ron Dennis since I started watching F1 and I was so happy to see them both disgraced and out of the sport. And if you ever read Briatore's life story you would like him even less. He got where he was through underhanded deals and rumoured connections with the Mafia. And for someone who has lived in London for as many years as him and still can't speak understandable English always really bugged me. And how could anyone say he was a playboy millionaire? He was repulsive.