Classicamiga Forum Retro Edition
Thread: New PC
J T 09:53 5th October 2009
Originally Posted by Bloodwych:
Yeah it's true that - I guess it's people who just can't part with their aging motherboards, afraid of updating too many components or having to reinstall the OS, so the 939 x2's go for silly prices.
Yeah, I had a look a while ago for a better CPU, thinking there'd be loads of people getting rid of theirs cheaply so i could get a little boost. I was pretty shocked to see how expensive even second hand 939 X2s are.

I can't really be bothered upgrading my mobo, CPU and then maybe RAM too. And my GFX card isn't that hot.


I don't really play games on it at all, so am only after a bit more grunt for general ****ing about really.
Harrison 14:36 5th October 2009
If you were not interested in gaming and you already have a PCI-E graphics card then it wouldn't cost that much to upgrade. You could for example upgrade to a dual core E5200, 2GB DDR2 ram and a motherboard for about £100. Or for a better dual or quad core setup getting the motherboard, CPU and Ram for under £200. At the moment Intel chips are a better option than AMD though.