Classicamiga Forum Retro Edition
Thread: sells for $10K
Harrison 14:32 26th August 2009
Some of you might have missed this big event happening so I thought I would post about it now it has reached a conclusion.

Many of you will know the Amiga community site One of the longest running Amiga forums, but in recent years swamped with rejects and trolls banned from the rest of the community. Or obsessive members who don't seem to actually enjoy the Amiga as a platform, but instead constantly obsessing over it.

Anyway, the owner of, Wayne, has for some time been less interested in the Amiga and its community. He tried to spark more interest by mograting from its aging Xoops setup to one using vBulletin, and an excellent job was made of the migration. However, after that was complete he found himself even less interested in the Amiga and so decided he wanted to leave the Amiga scene and behind.

However having put so many years into he felt he deserved a financial reward for all his work and so put up for sale for $10K. This obviously led to all the other Amiga communities discussing this move and mostly deciding that is was wrong to sell a community site like because without the community it isn't really anything.

But thanks to the obsessed members who live on the site Wayne has obtained his asking price and is now in the process of selling to a group of people who have clubbed together to buy it from him.

You can read the full story in his original topic here.

Was really worth $10k? Only the buyers can really answer that one. To me it was a bit of blackmail from Wayne. He knew there were a lot of obsessed members who's life was the site's forum, so they would have done anything to see it continue. So he was pretty much guaranteed they would find the money somehow to make it happen.

What are your views on this whole saga?