Classicamiga Forum Retro Edition
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Thread: Forum visual update
Harrison 15:45 3rd August 2009
I'm thinking of maybe reintroducing a proper thin graphical banner back above the navigation bar. Maybe 1000x250 pixels or there abouts. And I would like to design a few different ones which rotate and load a different one each time you visit. I want some banners that say a bit more about different aspects of the Amiga. Some about the demo scenes, some for the different models of the Amiga, some about games, some about applications. It will be an ongoing thing, and everyone else is free to submit some of their own for inclusion to. As I tried to get everyone to do with the banner designing competition which didn't see puck interest! Hint Hint!
Harrison 06:03 5th August 2009
I noticed an odd behaviour with the new button bar. In Firefox, with the addon NoScript installed the highlighted "forum" button is shifted over to the left of the other 6 buttons and overlapping the classicamiga logo slightly. If I set NoScript to Allow Scripts Globally then it loads correctly with the highlighted forum button on the right-hand end of the lone of buttons.

Has anyone else encountered this same behaviour?

I'm looking into it, but at the moment can't work out why NoScript is causing it. Anyone got any ideas. The buttons are div containers set to float the right of a parent div container. It has been tested on all other browsers and loads correctly on them, as well as in Firefox without NoScript installed. Very strange.
Demon Cleaner 07:10 5th August 2009
I don't have NoScript installed, therefore everything seems fine.
Stephen Coates 08:19 5th August 2009
I havn't used Firefox in quite some time, and have never used NoScript. Am I right in thinking that it will just block Javascript on certain websites?

I have checked this forum in Opera 9 with Javascript on and off and both are fine.
Tiago 09:03 5th August 2009
Originally Posted by Demon Cleaner:
I don't have NoScript installed, therefore everything seems fine.
The same with me
Harrison 12:34 5th August 2009
It definitely is localised to the NoScript Firefox plugin.

It is quite a useful plugin normally and works well in combination with Adblock Plus. It can block Javascript, Java, Flash, Silverlight, thirdparty plugins (quicktime), iframes, object code.. etc which is useful if you don't want loads of flash adverts or videos loading on pages when you just want to read an article.

The problem is, it blocks so many different things that it is hard to know what it is trying to block with the forum button that is causing it to shift it to the left. There is no flash, javascript or other scripts running at all in the menu, it is all done just using xhtml and css. Strange.
Cortona 12:52 5th August 2009
Maybe NoScripts is a sledgehammer to crack a nut. I use FF at work with AdblockPlus and Flashblock and that pretty much filters out annoying ads.

The nice thing about Flashblock is that it leaves the containers in place with a Flash icon in them. You can click in the container to enable the flash if you want.
Harrison 12:54 5th August 2009
NoScript does the same thing for any flash, silverlight or other embedded content. Just click the icon and the content is loaded. It also blocks PDFs which I find useful as often you follow a link expecting a webpage and end up with a PDF downloading, so blocking it stops it loading and allows you to go back without needing to wait for the PDF to load (or cancelling it which often crashes browsers).
Teho 17:47 26th August 2009
See, I can't turn my back on this place for even a little while without someone messing.

New design looks great, I like it.
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