Classicamiga Forum Retro Edition
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Thread: RGB to PAL/NTSC adapters @ AUD$30-33 each!
Harrison 11:18 25th December 2009
Sounds great.

Would you also be interested in making an Atari ST rom switcher? Not sure how complex that would be though as there are 2 roms involved, like AGA.
amigamaniac 01:46 28th December 2009
Originally Posted by Harrison:
Sounds great.

Would you also be interested in making an Atari ST rom switcher? Not sure how complex that would be though as there are 2 roms involved, like AGA.
I love making hardware, and I will make it for absolutely anything as long as there is a market/buyers/interest I would just need to know the specs of the ROMS & their pinouts, and how the ROM socket of the Atari behaves on resetting the machine. I prefer to make ROM switchers that don't require a toggle switch, or a mini-clip that has to be attached to the leg of an IC on a M.B. Drilling a hole in one's Amiga or Atari (or any case) is wrong IMHO.

Two EPROMS is no big deal. I could make a ROM switcher for the 32-Bit Amigas if I wanted to, but there is not much point with WHDLoad etc. Also, the AGA chipset is a problem, even if one were to split a KS 1.3 image over two EPROMS for example, it would still be no good. Although, A1200 users might like to select between KS 3.1 and KS 3.9 or something I suppose
Harrison 11:05 30th December 2009
I have limited knowledge in how the rom sockets behave on resetting the machine. However those on the Atari Forums should know. I will post on there to see how much interest there would be in an STE rom switcher. I know myself I would be interested to boot between 1.6 and 2.06 roms. Not sure if roms earlier than 1.4 would work in an STE, but if they did then I would love to be able to switch between 1.2 and 2.06 as that would give maximum compatibility.
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