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Thread: Modems
Harrison 22:12 21st March 2007
Saying it works could mean anything. I could run Windows XP on a PC with a 486 processor and it would work, but you couldn't do much with it!

And fast enough is a relative term. At the time when something is the fastest technology it seems fast compared to anything that came before it, but a lot of the time it was far from fast. As with all things you live with what you have at the time.
Stephen Coates 15:42 22nd March 2007
I didn;t think XP worked on 486s.

Originally Posted by :
And fast enough is a relative term. At the time when something is the fastest technology it seems fast compared to anything that came before it, but a lot of the time it was far from fast. As with all things you live with what you have at the time.
So your Athlon 64 isn't fast at all then?
AlexJ 16:55 22nd March 2007
Originally Posted by Stephen Coates:
I didn;t think XP worked on 486s.
You need at least a Pentium to get XP to run. You can however get it to run on an underclocked Pentium running at 8MHz but you can't do anything with it really (so Harrison's point stands).
Harrison 17:41 22nd March 2007
I forgot XP is coded to not allow less than a Pentium 1 or less than 64 MB of ram. So just subtitute my 486 example for a Pentium 1 and the argument is the same.

As for the Athlon 64, I have now had this current CPU nearly a year, and it is much faster than anything that came before it, but as with anything you can always do with it being even faster. Some applications I use such as 3D rendering and video editing can always benefit from as much speed as they can get and that will never change. And the newest games currently run fine without any slowdown or problem on it, but once more start to become optimised for dual and quad core it will start to fall behind. Equally the graphics card is more than fast enough at the moment, but once DX10 is employed in more new releases it won't be able to do everything.

As I said, speed and performance are relative to the time they were released.
Submeg 23:47 22nd March 2007
Period. "Discussion" finished.
TiredOfLife 08:39 23rd March 2007
Speed in a computer is like money.
You can never have enough.

Hated dialup when it was new.
You knew it was slow even then.
You could compare downloading a file to say copying it from a cd to your hd.
Broadband rules.
You can read about anything.
Plus there is always pr0n.
Harrison 11:34 23rd March 2007
Who else doesn't get why Steve now finds the Internet boring? Steve, please say why you find the internet boring?

We would love to know your view on this, especially as the internet is always expanding with new and exciting resources of information and entertainment. And with the Web 2.0 standards that are now taking place it is also becoming a much more dynamic, interactive and fun place to explore, interact and contribute to.

Wikipedia for example is a great source of information if you need to quickly find anything out. It might not always contain everything about a subject, but is a great resource with normally many other external links to explore. Video hosting sites are rich with users submitted content that can be explored for as long as you have time, other video sites such as Atomfilms have huge resources of fan and small budget releases... Audio sources online are huge and easy to explore and discover new genres, gaming and emulation has vast stores of information and historical interest to explore, or back to basics literature, geography, history, astronomy, science, art... it's all there to explore and discover, entertain and learn. To say the internet is boring is, in my view, just the short sighted nature of the user, to be interested in anything you much have an interest.
Stephen Coates 15:06 23rd March 2007
Because everything I have done on the internet I have already done a couple of years ago.

The only things I want the internet for now are IRC, looking at a couple of forums, shops and a couple of other things.

Everything else I am not interested in.

Originally Posted by :
Video hosting sites are rich with users submitted content that can be explored for as long as you have time,
I am yet to see something decent on one of those horrible shitty sites.

I do use Wikipedia, but not that often. I only lok at it when there is something I want to read about.

A few years ago when I first got an internet connection it was really exciting. I have done on the internet all that I want to now and only use it for one or two things which can be interesting and pass time away.

I am moving onto other more interesting things now which don;t rquire use of the internet.
Harrison 18:43 23rd March 2007
Moving on to "more interesting things" (i.e. Pr0n) shouldn't mean you have to abandon the internet Steve! It will be a very expensive "hobby" if you do!
Submeg 19:16 23rd March 2007
Lol, too funny. But I get Steve's point. A while ago I was like "hey lets go on the net!" But then after a while, I discovered that my mind wasnt imaginative enough to find new things so I would go on and then think "now what?" There needs to be a page that gives you random links from a search engine or something
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