Classicamiga Forum Retro Edition
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Thread: Commit murder with your console...
Harrison 14:55 3rd July 2007
Yes, that fits perfectly!

Definition: To be a tyrannicide the deceased ruler must be a tyrant.

J T 16:04 3rd July 2007
Originally Posted by Demon Cleaner:
Some hacker deleting your registry would be regicide.
Or killing a man named Reginald, I guess.
v85rawdeal 16:48 5th July 2007
Originally Posted by Harrison:
Could a Presidential killing be termed as regicide?

I know many that would currently like to perform that act!

I would have thought killing a president would be called 'Pesticide'
Demon Cleaner 16:51 5th July 2007
Originally Posted by :
I would have thought killing a president would be called 'Pesticide'
Yeah, and in some cases it's called justice.
Harrison 16:59 5th July 2007
Originally Posted by v85rawdeal:
Originally Posted by Harrison:
Could a Presidential killing be termed as regicide?

I know many that would currently like to perform that act!

I would have thought killing a president would be called 'Pesticide'
That is brilliant!
v85rawdeal 19:37 1st September 2007
On the subject of Manhunt 2, I found the following:

Originally Posted by :
Oh, Manhunt 2, will you ever step out of the public eye and stop soaking up all the attention? We know you were banned in the UK, then everywhere else until you were finally left left without a platform. We also know that it may well have been some kind of publicity stunt to garner sympathy and attention for a game which was, by all pre-ban reports, mediocre at best and relying on shock value.
So, do you think you could give it a rest now and step off the stage for a bit? No? Sigh. Well, hopefully this news item will make you happy then.

Although the re-edited version of Manhunt 2 is now being re-rated and the UK ban is being appealed, it looks like there may actually be a legitimate market for the full and uncut game after all. After a close examination of the laws, the Dutch government has announced that they can accept the uncut version of Manhunt 2 for sale in the Netherlands.

According to a report on, the Dutch laws are;

"based on the principle that every adult is considered capable of deciding for himself which games he wants to play, unless it contains illegal material"

What is counted as illegal material? Apparently only racist propaganda or images of child pornography, everything else is fair game.

In a letter to the Dutch parliament, Justice Minister Ernst Hirsch Ballin said there was no way to ban the game under Dutch law, but that it would theoretically be possible to prosecute people who distribute it to youth under 16 if its images were violent enough - though no such case has yet been tried in the Netherlands.

Minister Ballin said his department was now looking at ways to "better protect the youth" and he pleaded for a unified EU rating standard for computer and video games.
Looks like I might be getting the PSP version, until I get the PS2 Memory Card dongle-thingy-watchamacallit-doobryflip-didgeridoo chip!!!

More importantly though, what do people think about having a unified EU rating standard for games? What pros and cons do you see coming from such a possibility?
AlexJ 22:45 1st September 2007
Originally Posted by v85rawdeal:
More importantly though, what do people think about having a unified EU rating standard for games? What pros and cons do you see coming from such a possibility?
That's potentially very bad if Germany won't compromise on their current position. We'll be getting green blood for everything. Having said that, Tory leader David Cameron said he'd ban violent games in Britain if he became PM, because of course they are a huge contributory factor to the number of murders in the UK. If that was the case we'd be better off with a unified EU rating. Either way, the PS3 is region free, the PC is region free and there are ways of making the other consoles region free so a watered-down version in Europe is not going to stop people importing/downloading the full version from elsewhere.
FOL 10:08 2nd September 2007

Right, guys, im off out to hack some people up, JUST CAUSE I PLAYED A VIOLENT GAME!!!!. Tommorow, im off out again, shooting people in the head, JUST CAUSE I READ A VIOLENT BOOK. Oh and the next day, you guessed it, im off out to gut a few people, JUST CAUSE I SEEN A VIOLENT FILM.

I mean come on, they all thick. David Cameron can kiss my arse, the parents should answer for kids playing violent games. I will not let my kids play any violent games, or watch violent films. The same happened to me as a kid, so my mother must have done it right.
v85rawdeal 14:33 2nd September 2007
Originally Posted by FOL:
Right, guys, im off out to hack some people up, JUST CAUSE I PLAYED A VIOLENT GAME!!!!. Tommorow, im off out again, shooting people in the head, JUST CAUSE I READ A VIOLENT BOOK. Oh and the next day, you guessed it, im off out to gut a few people, JUST CAUSE I SEEN A VIOLENT FILM.

Ok, but don't forget to wash your hands before dinner.
FOL 14:57 2nd September 2007
Originally Posted by v85rawdeal:
Originally Posted by FOL:
Right, guys, im off out to hack some people up, JUST CAUSE I PLAYED A VIOLENT GAME!!!!. Tommorow, im off out again, shooting people in the head, JUST CAUSE I READ A VIOLENT BOOK. Oh and the next day, you guessed it, im off out to gut a few people, JUST CAUSE I SEEN A VIOLENT FILM.

Ok, but don't forget to wash your hands before dinner.
Before dinner, you nuts, i wash them all the time. Dont ask, its just my thing, lol.
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