Classicamiga Forum Retro Edition
Thread: My TOSEC CD set is finally up to date again!
Harrison 03:21 9th June 2009
It took some time to do, but I've finally managed to rebuild and bring my Amiga CD TOSEC sets fully up to date again.

I downloaded the latest TOSECCD DATS and then ran my existing Amiga CD, CDTV and CD32 sets through CLRMAMEPro, using it to rename any files to bring their naming up to date, and then replacing the .cue files for those renamed archives to make them correct (the cue files are included in the dat archive).

Once that was done I created a miss list for each TOSEC CD dat.

I then loaded each of the Pleasuredome Amiga CD torrents into uTorrent and used the miss lists to select the files I was missing, so I only had to download the actual files I was missing. And then it was a waiting game, for the downloads to complete.

So I now have a complete up to date set of Amiga CD, CDTV and CD32 TOSEC CD sets.

If anyone wanted a copy I'm sure I could sort out a DVD set for you. Not sure how many DVD-Rs it would take though. The complete CD set is 228GB and the combined CDTV and CD32 one is 78GB.