Classicamiga Forum Retro Edition
Thread: Uncharted 2: Among Thieves
Sharingan 16:35 3rd June 2009
Some cool new in-game shots from Uncharted 2. Lookin' good!

Harrison 16:48 3rd June 2009
That does indeed look very good. I've noticed in the last 6 months developers are finally starting to get faces and skin tone especially looking much more realistic. It really adds a lot to a game over the older plastic looking textures of games from a year and more ago.
Demon Cleaner 17:22 3rd June 2009
You should watch the longer gameplay trailer, looks really awesome.
Sharingan 18:24 3rd June 2009
Yeah, saw the gameplay trailer a while ago. Totally ace.

This will be one blockbuster game to be sure, but no doubt most gaming magazines will rip it to shreds just because it ain't Gears of War!

Well, I'll be buying two copies
Demon Cleaner 18:39 3rd June 2009
I have the first one, but didn't play it yet But that's mainly because I still have tons of games to play, and don't get the time for it