Classicamiga Forum Retro Edition
Thread: What's happening?
Demon Cleaner 11:17 15th May 2009
It's so calm here on the boards lately, what's happening? Is it mainly because Buleste is not hanging around all the time?
Tiago 14:44 15th May 2009
yes it's very calm lately...

today i'll go in vacations till the end of the month, so for me it'll be even more calm....! :-

Not spending to much time with amiga, my model railway is taking me to much time, and the few time i got, i play a bit of farcry. But i promise as soon as hardware section is complete i will put a lot of stuff in there!! Also waiting for any new projects on wiki, as soon as i see any thing new i am sure i'll get motivated for a new project.

anyway i'll go in vacation but i will take my laptop with me, and probebly i'll play some amiga game with my girlfriend thru winuae.

Come on guys, do something! take some photos about you miggys,

What about those demo projects? As i remember i was the only one to do a small think with a boing ball (i post it for you as in ADF), i know it was a very small thing, but i never was a programmer in Amiga, but i did it !! the same think with the banners.
I also did a lot in wiki, and i still can do more.
come on, show us something !!! sometimes we need motivaton.
i think that's what we need now.
Harrison 15:47 15th May 2009
It has been very quiet around here, with no posts at all on a couple of days in the last couple of weeks. This is a complete contrast to the activity we had just recently when there were loads of people online at once and lots of new posts to read.

I think it might be the time of year. We see this every year with the weather improving and people spending more time away from their computers.

I do however have some ideas to try and ignite some new interest in members visiting again and taking part. A few different projects. Most begun but not continued. Especially the Amiga top 100 games of all time. I really want to get that one up and running on the next stage of the project so everyone can take part and interactively vote for the final top 100. Will be good to get that going again.
Puni/Void 16:51 15th May 2009
I've also noticed that the activity has dropped lately. Even many of the regulars aren't posting much these days. Could be, as Harrison said, that it's a time of year when people are occupied with other things than Amiga's.

As for myself, I've been a bit busy with Demoscene related projects. I'll have more time for when these are finished.

Does anyone know what's up with Buleste? Haven't seen him posting since March or something.

Hey Tiago! Where are you going for your vacation?

As for the demo contest, we should really get it started sometime this summer.
Tiago 15:12 16th May 2009
hi Pg, i will stay in Portugal, i will go to the north, 7/8 days, no destination, just travel a bit, and see same new stuff