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Thread: What to do when you have 'no idea'?
Ghost 01:19 14th February 2007
I know, but I would like to bring the graphics of Fallout to 3D and perhaps add some features that aren't in NWN2 such as making your own weapons, medicines etc.
Submeg 02:51 14th February 2007
Hey Ghost,

That sounds pretty awesome. I love story writting, and in fact am currently in the process (on standby at the moment) of writing my own story. I would love to help, possibly it may get me modivated to start my own again.
Ghost 00:01 15th February 2007
Hello Submeg,

I should have been a bit earlier with this but I just discovered the Robot Chicken clips on You Tube (BTW, people must definitely check out Super Mario: Vice City) which kept me occupied longer than I thought.

Glad to hear from you, if you like I could send you the outline I made or perhaps just post it here.
I would like to salvage some stuff from it but perhaps I should start over again.

What kind of story are you working on, original or based on something?
Submeg 11:05 15th February 2007
You can PM me, or post it here, dont mind.

My story is based on the existence of different races, such as orcs, haflings, etc living in the presence of humans. There is then a war, and the outcome of the war is the main point of the story. There is a lot of other stuff going on as well, but that is the basic outline.
Harrison 12:23 15th February 2007
Originally Posted by Submeg:
My story is based on the existence of different races, such as orcs, haflings, etc living in the presence of humans. There is then a war, and the outcome of the war is the main point of the story. There is a lot of other stuff going on as well, but that is the basic outline.
What makes your story unique compared to other Fantasy based stories?

Many fantasy stories are based around exactly this plotline. Lord of the Rings, Shannara series, Warcraft etc.
Submeg 21:59 15th February 2007
This is where I pulled inspiration from, but my reasoning for writing this is a bit different. As I love heroes of might and magic, I have felt a bit let down that no one really bases their books on this genre anymore. It's mostly crime novels and such that I see. So basically, my idea was to echo this by saying how the other races (elves,orcs etc) died out and that humans are the only ones left. Basically it is the reason why there are only humans in the majority of novels today.
Harrison 22:50 15th February 2007
So basically the other races died out because people stopped writing about them? That idea has been used before but I'm trying to remember where. I think it was a children's story or film.
AlexJ 22:57 15th February 2007
I read it as the other races died out as a result of the war and hence they aren't written about any more.
Ghost 23:26 15th February 2007
Originally Posted by Submeg:
This is where I pulled inspiration from, but my reasoning for writing this is a bit different. As I love heroes of might and magic, I have felt a bit let down that no one really bases their books on this genre anymore. It's mostly crime novels and such that I see. So basically, my idea was to echo this by saying how the other races (elves,orcs etc) died out and that humans are the only ones left. Basically it is the reason why there are only humans in the majority of novels today.
How silly it may sound, have you ever considered creating a fantasy crime novel?
I don't think that has done many times before and it can be fun to explore this direction of fantasy story telling.

The story could start with a murdered grand wizard and the captain of the city guard has to find out who killed him before any more murders take place.
The captain soon discovers that the grand wizard had made quite some enemies during his appointment to the position and that he may be involved in Dark Magic practice.

Sort of like a crime novel with fantasy creatures.

Regarding Fallout, any more people interested in helping me?
Harrison 23:39 15th February 2007
A fantasy crime novel is quite an interesting idea indeed. I cannot think of many books that have approached this. Only Terry Pratchett's discworld novels come to mind at the moment.
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