Classicamiga Forum Retro Edition
Thread: WinUAE 1.6.0 Beta 22
Demon Cleaner 07:43 15th April 2009
Beta 22:

Originally Posted by :
- do not change priority if current priority is HIGH or REALTIME
- command line parameter parsing crash fixed
- added 5:4 aspect ratio to rtg and filter settings
- archiveaccess filename encoding fixed (b15)
- recursive archive support fixed (b15)
- added adf, rdb and hdf "archive" support. It is now possible to browse adf/hdf/dms/ipf/fdi/extended adf inside zip/lha/whatever archives when mounted as a harddrive (uaeunp.exe feature mainly)
- clipboard initialization should really be after dos initialization, should fix random "UAE clipboard sharing" crashes when booting
- debugger crash fixes (b15)
- lha non-extended file/dir timestamps fixed
- 7z SDK updated to newer version, timestamps supported
- diskspare (12/24 sector) disk images supported, also includes "plain" adf files that have exact diskspare format size
- dragging to windowed mode HD-"led" forces harddrive mount (for example adf is mounted as a harddrive, normally dragging autodetects type and inserts adfs to disk drive)
- dragging file to harddrive panel also automounts it immediately if emulation is already running
