Classicamiga Forum Retro Edition
Thread: A1200 Board REVs...
Tiago 17:30 8th April 2009
I take this from

A1200 Board REVs:
Revisions Rev 0 (Engineering Prototype)
Rev 1 (Advanced engineering prototype)
Rev 1A (Initial Release)
Rev 1B
Rev 1D.1
Rev 1D.3 (Budgie Rev -01 Release, E123C and E125C have been removed from motherboard)
Rev 1D.4 (Budgie Rev -02 Release, additionally XR358 470Ohm resistor removed, 470Ohm resistor added to pin 43 of Alice)
Rev 2B (Both budgie Rev -01 and Rev-02 were used. Resistor 118 was changed from 470Ohm to 220Ohm)

I have 3x A1200 boards... one of them (A1200T) has some problems with video signal, i will replace it with one of the others... i don't know witch REV they are, must check it, but the higher number/letter the best? Or they are all +/- the same?
Stephen Coates 21:10 8th April 2009
I can't speak specifically for the A1200, but a higher number doesn't necessaly mean it is better. It will probably mean that some minor faults have been corrected.

Someone did tell me that the A1200 I have (which has issues with noise on the video signal, possibly due to a bad solder connection), is actually one of the better revisions. I can't remember which revision it is off the top of my head though, and as far as I'm aware, the noise issue I have is a problem with my machine and not a common problem.
TheCorfiot 08:08 24th April 2009
Rev 1D2 also exists as I have one of these boards

[Reply] 12:04 24th April 2009
I have a 1D4 in my A1200 .... is that good? or is that a dodgy one?