Classicamiga Forum Retro Edition
Thread: Minimig and games
Tiago 13:22 25th March 2009
This site:

gives you a list of what games runs in Minimg (last modified on 22 March 2009)

I would say that no more then 75% of OCS games... maybe a bit more (?)

Does the SD 1Gb card that cames with minimg runs as a HD? I know it runs ADF files, but can you setup workbench on it?

if minimg runs kickstart 3.1 and has 2MB RAM, is it possible to have whdload? Maybe this way you can run other games...

anyone saw a minimg in action?
Harrison 15:02 25th March 2009
I've never seen on in the flesh, but have always been interested in getting hold of one. I think, but am not 100% sure that the memory card just holds adfs and kickstart roms, so load into the system, but I could be wrong. Maybe it supports HDF files?