Classicamiga Forum Retro Edition
Thread: New ebay layout now compulsory
Bloodwych 22:11 9th March 2009
Apparently, the new layout is now turning compulsory.

After a year of trying to get used to it - I can't!

It seems more annoying to find things, uncover categories and I hate the new "My Ebay" layout. It hides information in order to simplify the layout, but now you have to go digging around in tabs and popups to find what you want. It doesn't even show members next to items won anymore.

I'll never like this new layout. I've tried multiple times over the past year, but it just isn't as good!

The whole fixed width thing gets on my nerves too.
Harrison 22:41 9th March 2009
I've been using the new layout since it was introduced. It is better in some ways, but very annoying in others (many you have mentioned). I also sometimes find it hard to get to the sold section and actually see what I've won, and that does really annoy me.
thirtywinter 23:23 9th March 2009
I figured what the heck back in the day when they let you "test" it and just went over with it from the get-go. I will agree that some things are "hidden" for some odd reason that I just can't explain.

I've been buying and selling over ebay for years now, but I noticed about a year ago that Ebay was really getting greedy so I started to slow down on the trade there. Matter of fact, these days I don't use them at all. I will look for stuff there now and then, but most of the times I am floored on the prices that some of the sellers sets now.

I guess what I am saying is... I think I am done with ebay. And in so, a natural question would arise.. anybody know of any GOOD buying and selling sites?
Harrison 23:29 9th March 2009
Our sister site Not sure for other stuff though. There isn't really anywhere else with such a wide range of items as ebay, which is annoying. Depends what you are really looking for.
thirtywinter 23:35 9th March 2009
I'm a techie kinda guy, so that's what I normally look for. Also weird stuff like the Selk bag. (

That thing is awesome btw.

And sometimes I will look for collectibles like viking stuff, old post cards and so on.
Stephen Coates 14:58 10th March 2009
I don't really like the new layout either. Will probably get used to it though eventually.

Why do they call it an experience? 'This search experience is available until April 2009.Try our new search'.