Classicamiga Forum Retro Edition
Poll: How bad was the Atari ST, really?
How bad was the Atari ST, really?
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    Thread: If you are really honest, how bad do you really think the Atari ST was?
    Puni/Void 11:35 5th March 2009
    I don't have much experience with the Atari ST, so I can't really write a long comment here. From what I've seen though, the OS looks and feels a lot worse than the Amiga Workbench.
    [Reply] 12:04 5th March 2009
    It was kind of OK, but inferior in many ways.

    I have an Atari 520STfm and an Atari 1040STf sitting at home .... I still 'sometimes' play on them, but much prefer the Amiga.
    Tiago 12:12 5th March 2009
    It was good, but.... Amiga was/is better!
    v85rawdeal 17:48 5th March 2009
    I loved it... it just didn't love me back!
    TiredOfLife 22:16 5th March 2009
    They STs weren't exactly robust.
    A few mates had them and they seemed to be very flakey.
    Games locking up on a regular basis, parts breaking and the like.
    All though they all claimed the machines were fine until I walked into the room.
    Maybe the machines sensed my hatred and it unnerved them.
    rayzorblue 22:21 5th March 2009
    Only ever used an ST at school in music and I didn't like it much so I went back to the drum machine lol (needless to say I failed GCSE Music).
    Demon Cleaner 00:22 6th March 2009
    I still have a 1040ST but never used it. Got it from a friend some years ago. I think it was Ok.