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Poll: Which version of Vista do you use?
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Which version of Vista do you use?
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    Thread: Which version of Vista are you running, and why?
    Harrison 15:25 27th February 2009
    Will the range of different versions of Vista available, I was wondering which version you each run.

    And has anyone been mad enough to actually buy a copy of Vista Ultimate?

    Mad because Home Premium and Ultimate are identical except for Ultimate including the specific business relates additional from Vista Business that no normal user will ever use, and you pay £100 extra for their inclusion. Oh, there is also the fact that Premium only supports 16GB of ram and a single multi core CPU, whereas Ultimate supports 128GB and up to 2 multi-core CPUs. However I've yet to see a motherboard that supports more than 16GB of ram (unless you buy a server motherboard), and the same is true for 2 physical CPUs, so that isn't needed.
    Demon Cleaner 18:40 27th February 2009
    I didn't upgrade yet, and I won't. I'm pretty happy with XP. I wanted to try Windows 7 out, and started a d/l, I wanted to install it on my laptop, but then I remembered I only had 512MB of RAM in it, because one module is broken.
    Puni/Void 20:42 27th February 2009
    I haven't upgraded either. XP works fine for me, so I don't think it's any point in changing yet.
    Harrison 23:23 27th February 2009
    I've also not upgraded and am still using XP Pro. I do have Vista on a laptop, as does my wife, and I hate it. It is definitely not designed to work well on laptops and just feels slow, bloated, and clumsy. A well configured XP is much nicer. Although the funny thing is I used to say exactly the same thing about XP when I was using 2000 as my main OS.

    I think it has more to do with hardware reaching a point where is can run a version of an OS without any problems. When a new version comes out the increased resources needed is always bad to begin with. But a couple of years later when graphics cards, CPU power and the amount of ram has grown that all changes.
    Teho 13:24 28th February 2009
    I'm still on XP too and am sticking with it. If it ain't broke, don't fix it.
    Stephen Coates 15:20 28th February 2009
    With the amount of Vista versions avalible, I wouldn't even know where to star choosing which one, let alone actually completing the upgrade process.

    Sticking with 2000 here. It runs everything I want it to and is extremely reliable . If I got a newer PC I would probably stick with Linux and XP.