Classicamiga Forum Retro Edition
Thread: PS3 Trigger Mods
Demon Cleaner 09:20 6th February 2009
I got some of these for 2 of my controllers, and they're just awesome. You clip them on the existing R2 and L2 buttons, they prevent you from slipping off the button easily, f.ex. during racing games I often slipped of the R2 button (acceleration) which makes me loose precious time.

They are very cheap, about 5$ the pair, and they're also well made. They didn't fall off or such one single time, they're pretty stable. Might be interesting for some of you.

Here is also a video where you can see how it works.

Harrison 11:16 6th February 2009
That is a great idea.

It makes the buttons like the first analogue PSX controller that was released in 1997. The first controller didn't have dual shock, but looked the same, except the L2 and R2 buttons were more like these and the hand grips were longer. I still have one of these original controllers somewhere.

Oh, and another difference was with the thumb joysticks. Instead of them having a rubber grip surface the tops of the thumb joysticks were indented and just plastic. I preferred that for some games because your thumb didn't slip off of the stick. Although being hard plastic they did hurt your thumb after some time.
Teho 13:40 8th February 2009
I might just get myself a few pairs of these for my controllers, thanks for the tip Demon.

I also heard of grip caps that you can put on the analouge sticks for better grip. They are fine as they are for me, at least when they're new. But I remember on my PS2 controllers the surface on the sticks got worn and didn't have very good grip after some use. Not a problem on the PS3 stick yet, but decided to keep those caps in mind if it eventually becomes a problem.