Classicamiga Forum Retro Edition
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Thread: The loss of a loved one
Harrison 00:10 6th February 2009
It is my sad duty to have to inform you all that the classicamiga member Sarek2k (Mark) lost his wife Maxine over Christmas.

She suffered a brain anurism and stroke.

He is understandably taking a step back from the Amiga community, Amibay, OldSkoolUk and computers in general, to re-evaluate his life.

From Mark:

"My wife Maxine died on the 13th of January, myself and Maxine's brother & sister in law where with her when she died and the only tiny good thing is it was nice and peaceful and she didn't suffer too much @ the end.

The Funeral took place last week and many people attended."

I was truly shocked when I found this out today and it was a big shock.

My condolences go out to Mark and his family, and I hope he is OK and has loved ones close by to help him in this difficult time.

I'm not sure we can do anything, but I have said that if he needs any help he just needs to ask. My thoughts, and I'm sure those of everyone here, are with him.

I think it a good idea to send him a card and if any of you also wish to do the same please PM me and I can give you his details, or you can send them to me to forward on to him.
Teho 06:13 6th February 2009
Sad news indeed. My sympathies go out to him.
Demon Cleaner 08:15 6th February 2009
Oh man, that is so sad, I don't know if I could cope with such a loss. Many many condolences from my part.
Buleste 08:59 6th February 2009
Very sad news. My heart goes out to him.
Tiago 10:53 6th February 2009
My condolences also to Mark. Sad news
Puni/Void 14:22 6th February 2009
That was very sad to hear. My deepest condolences to Mark and the family.
Chewieshmoo 23:08 8th February 2009
That is so sad, my condolences. Such a horrible thing, I don't know what I would do without my loving wife. I am so sorry to hear this.
TiredOfLife 22:26 10th February 2009
Sad news indeed, my condolences also.
sarek2k 02:36 17th April 2009
Thank you all for you support i know this is a very late reply but i'm sure you all understand!

Nothing has ever rocked my world like this has! I'm trying my best to get through and friends / family are helping me but it's the toughest road i've ever travelled.

it's been 3 months now since the loss of my wife and it's not getting any easier just yet i know it will be quite a while to at least get back to being happy in life.

With the help of harrison i've setup a tribute site it's not finished yet i still have many photo's and albums to go through infact it's even hosted on classicamiga space (i don't get any space with my internet)

again i can't tell you how much your messages of support helped me in the early days and even now, i've lost my intrest for Amiga computers and computers in general, but i have not lost faith in the community of sites like classicamiga & amibay etc i don't know if i will have the same enthusiasm i once did but only time will tell.

Maxine always supported me in computers and what ever i wanted she always allowed me to get be it Amiga / Pc whatever never did she say "do you really need one of those" God bless her she was one of a kind.

Thank you one and all especially Harrison.
DaZZaBoY 21:34 21st July 2018
I've only just come across this thread and it deeply saddens me to read Marks words.

Due to Mark passing away recently, I've been looking back at our old chat logs and finding his last activity on the Amiga forums. He never really regained interest in the Amiga community after his wife passed away but he threw himself into the church and helping the local community. His passing has left a large hole in many peoples lives.

At least you can be with Max now m8.

You will be missed, we had a bloody good laugh!!!

RIP my friend
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