Classicamiga Forum Retro Edition
Thread: A new Elite. What would you like to see?
Harrison 15:31 19th January 2009
We have all read the interviews and rumours over the past few years about the on going pre-development for the next Elite game. However it is still not actually in full development yet.

But if another Elite game (IV?) were to be developed what would you like it to be like, and what features would you like to see.

For me I would like it to be like Frontier: Elite 2, but brought up to date with state of the art graphics.

Improvements to the combat system would also be needed, to make it easier to control as aiming during combat was always a pain.

One other major update would be the ability to get out of your seat in your ship and walk around inside, as well as leave your ship. So in larger ships you could interact with your crew and passengers. chatting with them to find out information, gain more missions directly from them. And in turn also add some more RPG elements in a similar way to KOTOR. So you could make in game friends that could unlock other elements of the game.

The ability to leave your ship is something I always wished I could do in Frontier. Especially when docked with a space station, the ability to leave the ship and explore the station, interacting with NPCs to recruit new crew etc... And on planets, again maybe a bit like KOTOR, would be great.

Obviously there are some limitations because Elite by its very nature has a huge universe and it would be impossible to predefine events and scripted conversations for every planet you visited. Maybe some kind of procedural system could be developed much like how previous Elite games have constructed their systems when you visit them.

The only question is. Would adding more RPG elements and the ability to leave your ship still keep it Elite? Or would there be a danger of the game becoming something else and losing the original feel of the series?

Would any like an online multiplayer Elite? I'm not sure if I would or not. EVE already exists for this in my view and to play that you have to have a lot of spare time to dedicate to it. There was also Freelancer which kind of touches on some of my ideas, but didn't take them quite far enough. But you could create your own servers for private multiplayer universes.

What are your thoughts on a new Elite? What would you like to see?