Classicamiga Forum Retro Edition
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Thread: What's on your mind?
Ghost 22:39 17th January 2009
Again I really can't think of a good alternate subject, something game related, so I am doing this one instead.

So what is on your mind right now, or these last couple of days?

Well its weekend and like usual I don't have much to do other than finishing off some shores, and now writing this.

I'm thinking of what should I do this weekend, activity or such.

Still thinking about a good idea for a Fallout original campaign, complete with threat and villain, both have been eluding me for some long time now.

Last, for some reason I really want a new game and yet I can't think of any I really want right now.
Stephen Coates 11:34 18th January 2009
I have just about finished thinking about Canon EF lenses and am currently thinking about booting linux up to play Tux Kart, which I will do when I have finished this post.
Submeg 11:04 19th January 2009
I just finished Call of Duty 4 on my PS3 and am playing it again.

But what have I been thinking? Been thinking of quitting my job, working two atm, so wanting to leave my original one so I can have some time for myself, but if my other job doesn't work out (it's only work experience at this stage) then I will have no job
Buleste 11:21 19th January 2009
You don't want to know what's on my mind. I don't want to know what's on my mind. The last person who went in there switched the lights off and it's quite scary who's at home.
Harrison 14:39 19th January 2009
On my mind at the moment...

Will the solar security light I fitted down the side of the house at the weekend actually charge with the weather we're currently experiencing?

Which soldering iron should I purchase this week?

And I'm also thinking I need a new data storage solution as I've just run out of HD space again on my download server! 1TB drives seem to be quite affordable at the moment. Looking at options to build a completely silent mini-ITX Atom based server.

Also currently thinking that the fan in my NAS seems to be getting noisier so will have to put the new soldering iron to use replacing that.
J T 18:38 22nd January 2009
You remember when old TVs used to show the static white noise when tuned to a channel the wasn't carrying anything?

Visualise that.

Then some porn
Harrison 21:19 22nd January 2009
New TVs still do it if you switch off the blue screen blanking in the menu system.
Teho 00:42 25th January 2009
In short: what's been on my mind this entire week is an old friend of mine. A very old friend, who I had to sever all ties with some ten years ago due to the direction his life was taking. Since then I've only ran into him three-four times, where we've spoken as the old friends we are after all.

On the monday that just was, I read a news story about a double-murder trial that was just starting. It's been headlining the news here all week, and I was shocked, but not really all that surprised to see that my friend is among the five that are accused. And that he was the one to pull the trigger on one of them.

That's what's been on my mind lately.

I've been thinking about making a longer topic about this all week, but haven't been sure if I should be bringing it up here at all. But, I'm a little drunk at the moment, and somewhat more emotional than usual I guess. So there it is.
Ghost 00:06 26th January 2009
Wow, just wow, I don't know how to say it else.
Harrison 08:50 26th January 2009

As Ghost said... Wow!

I can imagine that was some shock to see an old friend in such a situation. Please feel free to post about it on the forum if it helps you think things though and talk about it.
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