Classicamiga Forum Retro Edition
Thread: AmigaOS3.X now running on the PS3
Harrison 13:42 2nd February 2007
There is some great news for Amiga fans looking to purchase the PS3 when it arrives in Europe, or for those in the rest of the world who may already have one. Due to Sony's direct support for running a second OS on the PS3, a PPC-Linux implemantation of E-UAE allows users to run the great Amiga emulator via Yellow Dog Linux on the PS3.

It is not known yet if it will also run with the PS3 distro of Fedora Core. If anyone has tested this please let us know.

If you have a PS3 you can grab E-UAE from here.
Tiago 14:33 16th May 2008
Any news about this topic Master?
Buleste 14:38 16th May 2008
Just found this little how too if that helps.
Harrison 14:58 16th May 2008
As with all current emulators that run on the PS3, they are actually PPC compiled Linux emulators, not native to the actual PS3 hardware. So basically any emulator you can get compiled for one of the PS3s PPC Linux distros, or which supplies the source code package for you to compile yourself can be run on a PS3.

So PS3 Amiga emulation is currently the Linux Amiga emulator E-UAE. Still, regardless of this fact. Being able to run emulation on the PS3, even through a version of Linux, is always going to be cool.

Also the same site Buleste linked to above also has a page listing all the emulators they have managed to get working on the PS3. You can find this list here.