Classicamiga Forum Retro Edition
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Thread: Dune2 - making of...
my_lo 11:10 18th December 2008
Originally Posted by Sharingan:
Thing is, current-gen games aren't necessarily more fun than the games of old.
I couldn't agree more.
It seems that the graphics have taken over the real artistry. The best engine or the most powerful tech, it doesn't really matters. You can give a monkey the same paint and canvas as Da Vinci, but no chances are he's going to recreate the Mona Lisa.
Demon Cleaner 12:09 18th December 2008
I also agree, but I enjoy both, be it Jumpman Jr. or Fallout 3, every game has it's fun (or not). But I have to say that there are also a lot of crappy old games, even more than the world needs.
my_lo 12:55 18th December 2008
Yeah, there are crappy old ones, like trucks of it and great new ones (fallout3, dead space, bioshock,...).
But when i see the resources used to make, let's say quake 4, age of conan or even warhammer online, if think they should have spent less time to create a state of the art graphical marvel and spend more time on the gameplay and the scenario...
Demon Cleaner 13:35 18th December 2008
That reminds me reading the latest review on Rise of the Argonauts, got very bad reviews, but was a big production. They spend a lot of time and money in it, but afterwards release it too fast, so that it's full of bugs and fiddly controls and gameplay.

Look here.
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