Classicamiga Forum Retro Edition
Thread: PSX emulation
Submeg 21:19 30th January 2007
Ok, I am trying to run FF8 with an emulator, but the game runs too fast! What is it that causes this? Which of the plugins to I have to change to make it run at the correct speed? I am using ePSXe 1.6.
AlexJ 21:25 30th January 2007
In the video plugin make sure you've got the Frame Rate limiter set correctly (50/60FPS)
Submeg 21:40 30th January 2007
I checked that, but its running much faster than that, more like when you put a VCR (yes that's right, a Video Casette Recorder ) on seek and it runs at a faster speed.
J T 21:43 30th January 2007
Snap a few pins off your CPU. That'll slow it down a treat.
AlexJ 21:47 30th January 2007
You haven't got the warp setting on by any chance?
Submeg 00:17 31st January 2007
I went onto the forum on the site...I worked out what was going on! Sweet, now my gf can play FF7 when I'm playing FFX. I remembered who had my FF8, so shall pick that up next week
Harrison 00:23 31st January 2007
So was it the problem submeg?
Submeg 00:28 31st January 2007
It was the fact that even though I had the auto select for frame rate on, it was running it at something ridculous like 260 fps. I had to manually change it....defeats the purpose of auto select..... such a simple error