Classicamiga Forum Retro Edition
Thread: [PS3] Valkyria Chronicles
Sharingan 21:37 1st November 2008
Just got this one today. Played the demo, loved it, so it was an easy choice. The visuals, although not immediately jaw-dropping, are still lovely and look like something right out of a Studio Ghibli film. The watercolour style has been implemented very nicely. Gameplay is fun as well, with intuitive controls and plenty of opportunity for strategical play.

I'll give this one a bit more playtime before giving a final verdict, but so far, so good.
Sharingan 14:23 3rd November 2008
Verdict: Frickin' fantastic. SRPGs were starting to become a bit stale, but Sega managed to breathe new life into the genre with this surprising gem. 100% recommended.

I certainly hope Valkyria Chronicles will do well worldwide, considering it didn't sell that well in Japan. The game engine simply begs to be used again - if UFO: Enemy Unknown got a next-gen upgrade, it could probably be done with it.
Demon Cleaner 14:35 3rd November 2008
I also tried the demo and was a bit disappointed. Graphics indeed look like PS2, and the gameplay was so slooooow. Ok, it's an SRPG, but if once you have more troops to control, you need to play a whole afternoon to complete one single battle?? Or how is it managed?
Harrison 14:48 3rd November 2008
I was interested in this from reading previews and it was one of the games I was ging to buy when I eventually get a PS3. However it is always a little disappointing when the games look like the last generation did. There are a couple of other SRPGs in development for the PS3 that look the same as their previous PS2 releases.
Demon Cleaner 14:53 3rd November 2008
Like Disgaea 3, and now also Spectral Force 3.

Originally Posted by Harrison:
when I eventually get a PS3
This is at least the 10th time you mention it, we want some facts
Sharingan 14:55 3rd November 2008
With a little bit more experience up your belt, you can find ways to finish a battle in 5-7 turns. For example, the first time I played the introductory battle, it took me 4 turns. Played it again earlier, and did it in 1. In fact, the scoring sheet after each battle specifically tells you that the quicker you manage to do a battle, the more bonus points you can receive.

Strange that you would call VC "slow" though ... don't you normally play SRPGs? I've seen SRPGs that were slower paced than VC by a factor of 10 (FF Tactics and Luminous Arc being just two). I actually thought VC flowed quite well for an SRPG. Once you get to know the strengths and weaknesses of the classes featured in the game, it's smooth sailing. Trading shots between units hiding behind sandbags, of course you're going to be spending ages killing each other. However, flank the enemy with mobile units and blowing up their fortifications, before sending in the heavy troops, and you'll be proceeding much faster.

Anyway, you can save the game inbetween turns anyway, so you're never obliged to be stuck on one level for a whole afternoon.

P.S. the graphics look just fine to me. The art style was intended to be cartoon/watercolour-esque, instead of the gritty, sharply textured graphics we usually see nowadays. They do the job of making the game look like a real-action anime.
Harrison 15:13 3rd November 2008
Originally Posted by Demon Cleaner:
Originally Posted by Harrison:
when I eventually get a PS3
This is at least the 10th time you mention it, we want some facts
Well... I really want a PS3, but I just can't justify the expense at the moment.

I've still not bought into the HD revolution yet and am now waiting until next year until I do. I normally buy into new technology quite early on, but it was obvious that HDTV technology was going to take time to evolve enough before the sets were really great, and even sets from one year ago are now being eclipsed by the new ones, so I'm waiting longer before I get one.

Once I get an HDTV then I will get a PS3.
Demon Cleaner 15:19 3rd November 2008
The only SRPGs I played a bit were Vanguards Bandits on the PSX and tested some others for only an hour, like Disgaea, Phantom Brave or Unlimited Saga. But I'm not a fan of them, I prefer the traditional RPG, as it's to slow for me. The only games series I enjoyed were Front Mission 3&4.
Harrison 16:23 3rd November 2008
I love the Front Mission series. Great stuff. Not too complicate to get into. Did you ever play Final Fantasy Tactics? Or the PSP sequel?
Demon Cleaner 18:20 3rd November 2008
Originally Posted by Harrison:
Did you ever play Final Fantasy Tactics? Or the PSP sequel?
Yes, I did play it in Visual Boy for the GBA, but not too long. I played sometimes at work, but preferred Advance Wars.