Classicamiga Forum Retro Edition
Thread: New Member Restrictions
Harrison 10:25 14th October 2008
If you have just signed up and joined the forum, there will be a few restrictions on the site until your post count increases.

  1. Images, URL links and emails cannot be included in your forum posts. You are only able to post plain text. This restriction is lifted after you have made a few posts on the forum.
  2. You cannot view forum attachments. If another member has posting something with an attachment (files you can download) you will not be able to see these downloads until your post count increases.
  3. Your posts will be automatically scanned for banned keywords. When making your first few posts the server will automatically check the content of your posts against a list of keywords it holds. If your post is found to contain any of these words then your post will be sent to the moderators to be looked at before it will appear on the site.

All of these restrictions are to help prevent classicamiga's forums being used by spammers. These restrictions only effect a new member until their post count starts to rise, so you will soon have full access to the complete forum features after your first few posts.

If you have any questions about these restrictions please PM me.