Classicamiga Forum Retro Edition
Thread: Blizzard 1230 MKIV voting gone mad
Harrison 07:51 7th October 2008
There is currently a Blizzard 1230 MKIV for sale on ebay here.

It still has 4 days to go on the auction but already 11 bids have been made and the price is up to £155. Is there something I don't know? I wonder what the final price is going to end up at?
Buleste 08:40 7th October 2008
So much for the credit crunch. Then if you look here no one has made a bid for a Blizzard 1260. Mind you that's because the guy selling it has given it a crap title that no one knows what it is. A few do now though.
Harrison 19:44 7th October 2008
This Blizzard 1230 MKIV is continuing to shoot up. It is now up to £180 with 12 bids and still just under 4 days to go.

Are we missing something these bidders know?
Buleste 20:24 7th October 2008
I've just looked at the auction and he doesn't even know if it works or what size RAM comes with it. People are mad. I think the people who are bidding on it are going to end up doing a banker when the auction ends due to the price. (Doing a banker is my slang for throwing yourself off a great height which is what a lot of bankers have been doing recently.)
TiredOfLife 12:55 10th October 2008
That's off it's head.
I have kept hold of one just in case.
I can guarantee it works and have a 128meg simm with it.

Should auction if off for that type of cash.
Buleste 09:22 13th October 2008
The final score for the two auctions.

Blizzard 1230IV unknown if working and how much RAM £180.00
Blizzard 1260 working with 32MB RAM £165.00

That shows what can be done if you list something properly and also that there are still bargains out there.