Classicamiga Forum Retro Edition
Thread: Paul Newman bows out.
Buleste 16:20 27th September 2008
Today one of the true Hollywood greats Paul Newman died. He had a lengthy and superb career but for me it's his charitable work that made him stand out from the rest of Hollywood.
v85rawdeal 16:33 27th September 2008
A great actor, and a great humanitarian. He will be missed, and I do hope that his memory will be honoured in many different forms.

May he be forever remembered with fondness by all.
Harrison 13:39 29th September 2008
Although he died of lung cancer, reaching 83 years can't be complained about.

He was definitely a much loved actor and did a lot for charity.

However I could never personally see why people thought he was such a good actor in his youth. However he did improve with age and some of his later film roles were very good.
Bloodwych 18:55 29th September 2008
Paul Newman was a great example of how the privileged should go around making use of their free time and stardom. He did loads of charity work, ran racing car teams and in general gave loads back to society and his fans. A truly great guy.

I'll never forget Nigel Mansell going over to race for Newman Hass as F1 world champion. I really didn't follow his past career up until that point, but after researching the history of the team I respect his contribution.

RIP Paul.