Classicamiga Forum Retro Edition
Thread: HOTU RIP!!!
Buleste 14:53 22nd September 2008
It looks like Home Of The Underdogs is no more. The premier Abandonware site hasn't seen any updates for 2 years and now appears to be dead. Hopefully someone else will take up the mantle.
burns flipper 13:11 25th September 2008
I thought you meant you'd got a siterip. That would be impressive.

It's not been updated but it's still available (, so all is not as bad as it seems.
Buleste 13:22 25th September 2008
It had been dead for the pasty fortnight or so and wiki has it down as no more but obviously it's done a Lazarus. Thanks for that Burnsy.
Harrison 13:29 25th September 2008
That is good to see that the site is back up again. It has been completely offline for the past few days and many people on various forums were getting worried.

Regarding a HOTU site rip. This is available. I have one, but I don't think it is fully complete. Complete HOTU torrents can be found. I got mine from UG I think a while ago.
burns flipper 18:16 25th September 2008
I needs a complete HOTU siterip. I NEEDS one!! It must be jigabytes big!