Classicamiga Forum Retro Edition
Thread: Amiga Accelerators rising in price again?
Harrison 14:20 10th September 2008
There are obviously only a set number of Amiga accelerators in existence these days as no more are being made. However during the summer we seemed to see a rise in availability and this in turn saw them fall in price.

Last year a Blizzard 1230 was fetching nearly £200, but the price this summer was around the £110-130 range and all of these cards sold on ebay seemed to go for around that price.

But the cards on ebay now seem to be rising in price again. A 1230 MKIV with FPU sold just last week for £165 and another is now for sale at the same price.

PPC accelerators also seemed to drop this year. They were fetching silly money with the run up to OS4 finally being released, but I saw many sell for around £200 recently. Some were closer to £300 or more, but I even saw one sell for just £160. Someone got a nice bargain there. Currently however there is only Blizzard PPC with a 68040 and 64MB or ram for sale at £365! Not sure that will sell, but you never know!

Has anyone else witnesses some bargain accelerator sales? Or some really mad expensive ones?

BTW, the Blizzard 1230 I recently purchased was a great deal. Cost me £110 including postage. And it has a 50MHz FPU and 32MB ram.