Classicamiga Forum Retro Edition
Thread: Bundles!
Cortona 19:48 11th September 2008
No, not the playground anarchy of your youth - I'm talking Amiga bundles: the software (and sometimes hardware) that came bundled with new Amigas back in the day. There were lots of official Commodore bundles* but I got my A500 from an independent retailer, and it came with what passed for the latest, cutting edge software back '88:

Now don't get me wrong, Wizball was and still is an excellent game, but the rest? What was I thinking! Among the 92 mail-order Amiga bundles advertised in ACE magazine I chose that one? [Slaps forehead]

Eco sucked beyond belief, and although Psygnosis produced some awsome games from '89 onwards, those three insipid. Photon Paint was impressive, but not entirely practical. DPaint III was my canvas of choice.

So, did anyone else get a 'bundle'? Bet it can't have been worse than mine!

*Didn't realise how many different bundles there were. They're well documented at Amiga History.