Classicamiga Forum Retro Edition
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Thread: How much of a Trekkie are you?
Harrison 15:08 9th September 2008
Sarek posted a link to this test on the OldSkoolUK forum and I thought some of you might also enjoy trying it out.

My results:

Trekkiness: 158

What does it mean?

"You are a Trekkie, through and through! You know the series, the movies, the literature, the science, and you are proud of it! You are probably saving up to buy your own starship! You are part of a vast community of Trekkies, and you're loving it! Congratulations!"

Demon Cleaner 15:54 9th September 2008
No Trekkie at all, never watched it. Oh yes, when I was 8 years old I watched some episodes with Cpt. Kirk, but now, I don't like it anymore (not that I did like it before).

What does it mean?

"You're not a Trekkie. You may have caught an episode or two, but you don't watch it regularly and you aren't caught up in the Star Trek universe. You appreciate your real life more than the fantasy of Trek."
Sharingan 16:14 9th September 2008

trekkiness: 90

The Trekkie Test
ranks me as a(n) Lieutenant


What does it mean?

You watch one or two series, but you don't try to impress your neighbors with your trivia knowledge. You're a fan, but you try not to take it too far.

Thought I'd score higher
Zetr0 18:41 9th September 2008
Damn H thats an awesome score!!!!

---duped from my OldSkool score

Trekkiness: 146

The Trekkie Test
ranks me as a(n) Commander

What does it mean?

You know Trek, and you love it. You may not dress up in uniform every day, but you're dedicated to your series, or two, and happy with being entertained by it.

---- what it also means is that some Harrison's have Official Startrek Underwear! ----

Oooohhhh lookie what i found in this cupboard at the back of the forum

hmmm other than some things that science cannot identify, there is a lable that claims they belong to a Harrison D..... know anyone by that name eh?

Buleste 20:26 9th September 2008
I'm a commander
I lost out due to not owning fan fiction or boxed sets.

Zetr0 21:25 9th September 2008

for future reference buddy (remove the '.' full stops)


if you want to do an image link then you need


so in the above just take the image url out of the code


will give you just the image

however to make it a clickable link you would need to make it a URL IMAGE link like above


now this gives you the full image with click-able link

hope that helps
Ghost 22:16 9th September 2008
Apparently I am a commander

Buleste 08:39 10th September 2008
Ok Here goes.

Right it worked. Thanks Zetr0.
Puni/Void 17:59 11th September 2008

"You're either new to Star Trek, or you aren't a die hard fan. You watch it, but you don't retain episode titles or character's middle names. You see Star Trek as entertainment, to be enjoyed and then go on with your regular life."
FOL 10:03 13th September 2008

trekkiness: 100

Heres mine,

Get in, StarTrek rules, .
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