Classicamiga Forum Retro Edition
Thread: How get .lha package to load in WinUAE
Shobosanbon 05:34 5th September 2008
Hi Peeps,
Just joined. This Amiga emulation stuff is amazing, I'll post a whole thread about that later but heres my query.

Got WinUAE 1.5.1 installed
Installed hwa from here
Installed lots of his games and they run perfect.

Now trying to install/run some packages I've downloaded from WHDLoad in .lha format and from in .zip format.
How/where/what do I do with these packages, the .lha ones dont seem to have the actual game disk/image included?
Tried extracting them to where hwa's games are even tried creating a startup and putting it in an 'S' folder in game dir then adding where game files are in WinUAE under Hard Drives but dont really know what im doing!?!?!
Anyone help?
Buleste 08:59 5th September 2008
The packages from are only installers, you would need the disks images to use them. Try going to or for the files already ste up with the disk on. All you have to do once you've extracted them is double click on the icon. Alternativly there are several places with the actual disk image. For disk images of demos you can goto if you understand french a little then goto for the adf's. Hope this is of use to you.
Harrison 11:38 5th September 2008
As for your question about LHA files. LHA is a compression file format very similar to Zip or Rar, but the Amiga's form of compression. You cannot just access lha files as you would a disk image like ADF in WinUAE.

You first need to extract the files. Many Windows compression utitilites such as WinRAR can access and extract lha archives. I tend to extract the LHA archives into a windows directory and then in WinUAE I add this directly as a harddrive. You could then boot from a workbench adf and then can access the extracted files from the Workbench disktop.
Shobosanbon 00:24 8th September 2008
Thanks for the replies but im still lost!?!?
Im doing this in Windows XP
What icon do I click on, none was made?
eg I have, I unzip it to a dir called Games
This creates a file in the Games dir called
and creates a dir called Goal with files:

How do I run this with WinUAE
Am I supposed to be in an Amiga Workbench enviroment.

I download .exes from which installed the games and created a confirguration in WinUAE which I could simply select and then run from Windows in WinUAE?
Am I geting this all wrong!?!?
Thanks for your help
Graham Humphrey 08:17 8th September 2008
Yes, you are supposed to run them from a HD Workbench environment. Check out something like ClassicWB for instance - it's a pre-installed setup and is automatically configured to run WHDLoad games, so it's really a matter of extracting the archives and running the game from there.
Buleste 09:17 8th September 2008
The .exe's from hobring are different to WHDload installs. As Graham said WHDLoad installs require a Workbench install and once workbench has loaded you click on the icon to run the game you want. Another alternative Workbench is Amigasys although it does require you to have the Workbench disks.
Shobosanbon 19:01 13th September 2008
Thanks again for replys,
Slowly working my way upto understanding this.
I had an Amiga 500 a long long time ago but have forgotten all about how it works!!! and never had a hard drive; always ran from floppies.
Working my way through these tuts

Starting to make sense, I'll get there in the end lol
Next gotta get an Amiga running on my PSP which I've just ordered!!!!!

Is it possible to make an exe like Hobrings from WHDLoads so you dont need to run a Workbench first but just choose the uae config from WinUAE and load it straight up??? I have WHDLoads that include the disk images.
Buleste 19:10 13th September 2008
WHDLoad requires workbench to run so i'm afraid no. Do you have any disk images? If not and you use a bit of logic goto the planetemu site for the disk images. It's in French but if you use your common sense it's easy.
Harrison 13:04 15th September 2008
Also take a look at the KGWHD game packs. They take all the hard work out of installing the games.