Classicamiga Forum Retro Edition
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Thread: How many unread posts will Harrison come back to?
Puni/Void 10:36 27th August 2008
Ok, we now got the following guesses registred:

Buleste 734

Submeg 756

Tiago 781

PG 854

Teho 998

JT 1001
Buleste 10:49 27th August 2008
I hate to say this but at the moment i'm going to be giving myself 10,000 points as at the rate we're posting at the moment we'll be lucky to get 600. Wer need to up the work rate boys!!! (and girls).
Submeg 12:34 27th August 2008
Well we wont really know til he gets back...I'm pretty sure we will be on track!
v85rawdeal 15:24 27th August 2008
My guess is...



Pi (whichever is highest)
Buleste 15:30 27th August 2008
As Pi is 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510 to 50 decimal places then your guess must be 1423.
Puni/Void 19:08 27th August 2008
The list is now as follows:

Buleste 734

Submeg 756

Tiago 781

PG 854

Teho 998

JT 1001

v85rawdeal 1423

burns flipper 21:18 28th August 2008
I say...823.
Graham Humphrey 22:14 28th August 2008
I'll randomly settle on 796.
Puni/Void 09:08 29th August 2008
The list is now as follows:

Buleste 734

Submeg 756

Tiago 781

Graham Humphrey 796

Burns Flipper 823

PG 854

Teho 998

JT 1001

v85rawdeal 1423

Demon Cleaner 13:34 29th August 2008
911 (like the Porsche)
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