Classicamiga Forum Retro Edition
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Thread: How many unread posts will Harrison come back to?
v85rawdeal 16:36 23rd August 2008
I guess it'll be me... Unless someone wants to outbid me on the option to provide first prize...
Buleste 17:38 23rd August 2008
I'm the daft bastard who suggested putting a load of posts on so i guess it'll be me. I reckon he'll have to read 734 posts by the time he gets back, unless he sneaks into an internet cafe on his honeymoon to check whats happening and if he does i reckon he'll be too busy trying to stop divorce procedings to check.

I've done 4 posts today that Harrison will never read. They're in my garden propping up the new fence.
Sharingan 19:12 23rd August 2008
Good idea.

It's not like he's around to ban us anyway for filling up the forum with useless drivel!
Buleste 19:23 23rd August 2008
Originally Posted by Sharingan:
Good idea.

It's not like he's around to ban us anyway for filling up the forum with useless drivel!
What do you mean v85, Submeg and myself are allways filling the site with useless drivel and we haven't been banned yet!!!!
Sharingan 19:38 23rd August 2008
It just means you guys haven't been trying hard enough
Buleste 19:42 23rd August 2008
Oh we've been very trying!!!!!
Teho 20:31 23rd August 2008
Harrison's not the only one able to ban members on here you know.

Look, I know I sort of encouraged it up there but could we go a little bit easier on spamming pointless posts please? At least in some topics where they really don't belong. I think I'll be moving some of them to the trash.

Jeez, the guy's been gone for one day and allready things are getting out of hand!
Submeg 01:21 24th August 2008
Well that's obvious, I would say Harrison! Catch on people, the virus is spreading!!

What the? I posted that reply ages ago....oh well, yea um I think that my 2000+ posts obviously show I have nothing real to say...but still that title of being awsome alludes me
Buleste 21:12 24th August 2008
Originally Posted by Submeg:
Well that's obvious, I would say Harrison! Catch on people, the virus is spreading!!

What the? I posted that reply ages ago....oh well, yea um I think that my 2000+ posts obviously show I have nothing real to say...but still that title of being awsome alludes me
You're right that title is shared between myself and V85.
Tiago 21:59 24th August 2008
I was away for the weekend, went to south of Portugal.

Just posting here as i want to contribute to that 1000 posts to read...
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