Classicamiga Forum Retro Edition
Thread: Has Hollywood run out of ideas?
v85rawdeal 19:11 14th August 2008
Hollywood moan and complain about the amount of 'dubiously-sourced' movies that are available to watch. Do they honestly expect us to flock to the cinema when it seems that the mojority of movies they want us to see are remakes.

The following list are some of the remakes that Hollywood have embarked upon.

Attack of the Killer Tomatoes! (2009)
The Birds (2009)
Convoy (2009)
The Day the Earth Stood Still (2008)
Escape from New York (2009)
Fame (2009)
Friday the 13th (2009)
Highlander (2010)
High Noon (2010)
The Incredible Shrinking Man (2010)
Metropolis (2010)
My Fair Lady (2010)
A Nightmare on Elm Street (2010)
Oh, God! (2008)
Piranha 3-D (2009)
Plan 9 (2009)
RoboCop (2010)
The Seven Samurai (2009)
Short Circuit (2010)
The Stepfather (2009)
Straw Dogs (2009)
Sunset Boulevard (2010)
Suspiria (2010)

Is this such a good idea, and a guaranteed way to get bums on seats in the cinema? Or is this just a cynical attempt to cash in on the fame of the originals? Or is this a result of the Writers' Strike earlier in the year?

Are there any of these movies that you are looking forward to? Do you have any ideas what they may do or how they may work?

I can just see it now.

Originally Posted by :
The juggernaut tears along the M25 at 7MPH. Rubber Duck is sat behind the wheel, talking on his iPhone. "10:4 good buddy, that's a breaker. You got a smokie on your *CONNECTION TERMINATED*..."
Hmmm, me thinks there's a lot of movies that I just discovered I want to avoid!
Ghost 19:16 14th August 2008
Hollywood ran out of creativity some time ago, why else the bastard sequels to good movies?
They also had their run on comic book characters, that is why they are turning to computer and video games again.

As for looking forwards to any of the movies,nope, because they will probably be soul-les sequels.

Attack of the Killer Tomatoes was a spoof of B movies, perhaps there wasn't a bigger budget but it has a charm that CGI and high paid actors can't recreate.

Robocop, the original was a cynical portrayal of corporate America, now the remake will spoof that premise.
khaxzan 23:34 16th August 2008
Originally Posted by :
Has Hollywood run out of ideas?
no, they've run out of talented writers. Just like WWE and their talent show of today...*coughs*
Harrison 00:29 17th August 2008
The film industry hasn't run out of ideas. It is just Hollywood and the US that have! America doesn't really have any original ideas full stop so how can their films? A country with hardly any history and such a mixed race of people who still state their origin as being another country cannot realistically be expected to generate originality.

However, look at films written and made in the UK, Europe or elsewhere and there is still much creativity and originality to go around. Well, that is until the US watch it and then copy it.
Demon Cleaner 09:53 18th August 2008
Honestly I think that people have seen enough remakes, and the thing that makes me truly angry, is that the US take more and more decent asian flicks and just try to remake them 1:1, which did't work in many cases so far. The only movie that was good was The Departed, which was of course remade by Scorsese.
Buleste 10:04 18th August 2008
I think the worst part is when Hollywood does have an original idea it usually is so bad it wasn't worth having. And as for the endless number of teen flicks with generic anorexic american blondes falling in love generic american man with "hilarious" consequences. I noticed the writers strike didn't stop them. Mainly because whilst they haven't managed to get a room of monkeys to type Shakespear they have managed to get them to type that kind of bollocks.