Classicamiga Forum Retro Edition
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Thread: Are you a criminal?
Buleste 09:00 13th August 2008
O.k. maybe not you but your namesake in America could be!!! Why not go here and invade his privacy. My namesake a 64 year old drug dealer in New York.
Harrison 09:13 13th August 2008
I typed in just "David Watts" into the site and it returned 50 people!

So I then typed "David J Watts" and it returned 4. Three of them just have minor things like Traffic and Drug/alcohol, but one who has my full name "David James Watts" has a string of 34 offenses! These range from Violent and Behavioral offenses to drug and weapons charges! Nice!
Buleste 09:15 13th August 2008
Originally Posted by Harrison:
I typed in just "David Watts" into the site and it returned 50 people!

So I then typed "David J Watts" and it returned 4. Three of them just have minor things like Traffic and Drug/alcohol, but one who has my full name "David James Watts" has a string of Violent and Behavioral offenses!
You've been to America a few times then.
Zetr0 10:09 13th August 2008
nothing serious

just 14 entries..... 2 thefts 4 drug offences and 20 driving violations....

LOL... never before have i seen such a travesty / mockery of private data!

or i should say data that should be private.
Buleste 10:15 13th August 2008
Maybe they should change the wording to the end of the "Star Spangled Banner" to "O'oer the land of the free,
and the home of the gross privacy violations in the interests of public safety because we're all paranoid and if we don't like you we want an excuse to blow your head off!!!"

That'd go down really well at state occasions.
toomanymikes 12:54 13th August 2008
Cool -my name brings up 50 crims. Ones guy has 3 Violent offences and another has 2 sex offences and 2 'other'! I wondered why I spent so long in customs the last time I went to the states...
Stephen Coates 13:11 13th August 2008
The only person who has the name 'Stephen Coates' with no middle name, has a conviction from 2005 for exceeding 85mph.
Buleste 13:34 13th August 2008
I've just checked up on my brothers name and it looks like for a general search you can only see 50 offenders. My brothers name brings up all sorts of drug offences, Traffic violations, etc but one of the best ones had several convictions for embezzelment and bribary whilst a few others had 9 or more aliases. My mother and my sister come up clean though.
Teho 13:56 13th August 2008
I tried searching my name but as I expected there were no matches. Tried my family name only and still none, which was also to be expected as it is unique to my family even in Norway. At least our particular way of spelling it is. Using only my first name I got 34 hits, which were a bunch of traffic offenders, a couple had drug charges, two were violent criminals and one was a rapist. How nice.
toomanymikes 20:03 13th August 2008
OMG - The idiot that had two sex offences was a pedo, and the other two were for subverting minors on chat rooms! Scary
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