Classicamiga Forum Retro Edition
Thread: StarGate - Continuum
Harrison 08:58 13th August 2008
Has anyone else seen StarGate - Continuum yet?

It was aired on Sky One last night and I really enjoyed it.

Without giving too much away, it was great to see some of the old characters from the series return (some briefer than others). And the use of time travel and alternate time lines was well used, with the points of view from those in the alternate timeline being more logical and how we would think instead of the usual approach they take in most Sci-Fi episodes that use this plotline.

There were definitely not the same level of CGI effects in this one compared to the last SG1 film or the last full series, but I don't think that was a bad thing. Although I would say the story over all wasn't as exciting or as gripping as the best episodes from the series.

It is definitely still worth watching.

Bloodwych 14:02 13th August 2008
I was really enjoying it but then just as it was getting interesting our entire block suffered from a power cut! I shouted NOOOOO at the TV, but it made no difference.

The power was restored some three hours later, so I'll have to finish watching this tonight on Sky Two.

As you said, it was nice to see some old characters. Shame Apophis got the chop again - he was always a fantastic villain and I would have enjoyed him playing a larger role.

Also nice to see General Hammond for one last time, as he must have died shortly after this was filmed. RIP Don S. Davies.
Buleste 14:13 13th August 2008
Never realised Don S Davis had died. He passed on 29/06/2008 and as you rightly pointed out Stagate: Contuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuum (never really did know how many u's were in that word) was one of his last appearences although he will be seen again in "Vipers" (from what i've heard of this one he'd be glad to be dead as this ones a real stinker.) and "Far Cry" which is a Uwe Boll film (another reason for him to be glad to be dead).
Harrison 15:36 13th August 2008
It was very sad news when he died. Especially as had only recently remarried and had a new child. I hadn't realised his part was going to be so big in this one, so it was a nice kind of tribute to him.