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Thread: Lone Wolf books online
Harrison 23:44 7th August 2008
I've just found a great Lone Wolf site that has the Lone Wolf books available to read/play online or to download in PDF format.

I know there are some fans of this series, and I for one am tempted to read through them all again using this site. It is great that someone has gone to so much trouble to preserve them and make them available.

I also just read that after years of being out of print the first Lone Wolf book, Flight from the Dark, has now been published again with some updated and improvements. So some more good news.
burns flipper 08:21 9th August 2008
Old news! ProjectAon has been around for years, and the first 5 reprints (with extra content) are sat on my bookshelf! The new books are being released once every 2 months, and we're up to 'Shadow on the Sand' so far. Also 2 trilogies of novels are being written (see he books are hardback collector's editions, have redrawn maps, illustrations, corrections, extra sections (FFtD has a whole new beginning - instead of starting as Lone Wolf in the woods after the Kai monestary has been destroyed, it starts in the thick of the battle so you get to explore the monestery and fight the enemy) and a new mini-adventure in each book. Joe Dever will also be writing the last 4 books to finish everything off.
Harrison 08:26 9th August 2008
That is great news. I used to love these books and read all of the ones originally released (except for the last couple which I missed). I might have to get these re-released ones.
khaxzan 22:16 9th August 2008
I didn't like the Lone Wolf series. The illustrations weren't as eye-catching as FF and the storyline wasn't as interesting. I guess if the idea of referenced paras is all you care about then it really doesn't matter.
Harrison 22:26 9th August 2008
In contrast I always found the Lone Wolf books more interesting than any other series. More complex RPG system than most others and very interesting Ninja based story that continued on through the series.
burns flipper 07:04 10th August 2008
I enjoyed the Lone Wolf novels (Legends of Lone Wolf). The first 10 books were rewritten by Paul Barnett as novels, adding new recurring characters and expanding on the gamebooks. They really fleshed out the LW uuniverse. A couple of the books weren't even based on gamebooks - the first one for instance gave the backstory to the first gamebook, and another had 4 people sat around a campfire and each told a different story (a book of myths of a fictional universe!). One of them even fast-forwarded to present-day Magnamund, where cars were filled up using low-grade magic, and computers were based on "right-handed magic" (which in the LW universe is the Evil path).
Harrison 08:45 10th August 2008
I didn't know anything about the novels. They sound interesting. Will have to look for them. Are they still being published?
burns flipper 19:45 10th August 2008
No, they've been out-of-print for 10 years. I collected my set 6-7 years ago off eBay. At one point book 12 was going for £120 - glad I walked into a second-hand bookseller the same week and got it for £1.20 They're worth getting if you can find them, I expect they're not that price anymore and the first ones tend to go for under a fiver. There's a list of them on Wikipedia.

They really do enahnce the LW universe, they're very well written and add in much more than the gamebooks.